testing, testing, testing

Bold: Alt+SHIFT+b – hm, I’m on a mac. There is no alt key. ı What is that? There is a little on the top of .
But I learned something!!!! In Opera, on a mac ‹command>-‹shift>-‹B> opens a new window with the copied text pasted in the address space. The copied text should be an URL.

Italics: Alt+SHIFT+i ˆ Now I know how to make a caret.

alt-shift-a: Å å
Alt+SHIFT+q: Œœ
Code: Alt+SHIFT+c: Çç

Read More: Alt+SHIFT+t: ˇ

Unordered List (ul): Alt+SHIFT+u ¨¨
Ordered List (ol): Alt+SHIFT+o øØ
List Item (li): Alt+SHIFT+l ¬Ò

Advanced Editor: Alt+SHIFT+v √◊
Publish the Post: Alt+SHIFT+p π∏
ins: Alt+SHIFT+s ßÍ
del: Alt+SHIFT+d ∂Î Command-Shift-d = bookmark
Unquote/outdent: Alt+SHIFT+w ∑„ – don’t do command-shift-w – it closes all your windows.
Undo: Alt+SHIFT+u ¨¨ – Huh! What the difference between this one and an unordered list?
Redo: Alt+SHIFT+y Á¥
Edit HTML: Alt+SHIFT+e ´´
Align Left: Alt+SHIFT+f ƒÏ – command-f is find (duh)
Align Center: Alt+SHIFT+c – And this and Code?
Align Right: Alt+SHIFT+r ®‰ – cmd-r & cmd-shift-r = reload

Headers: Ctrl+[number] – ctrl-1 opens web search panel
ctrl-2 opens bookmarks panel
ctrl-3 turns panels off